Outside of that, they don’t have much impact on the game in a mechanical sense. Some abilities like the Ranger’s Favored Enemy feature or the protection from evil and good spell use the creature types. One of the simplest things you can do to make alter a monster is switch out it’s creature type.Ĭreatures types in 5e basically categorize the different monsters in D&D. Let’s get started with some basic ways you can change creatures in your game. But, the basic ideas in this article could be used for a variety of systems. This article is gonna cover 10 ways to alter monsters in Dungeons & Dragons 5 th Edition. Maybe, you want to tweak a monster to better fit your game or challenge your party with an unusual creature. I know I did when I started and I still do for many of my creatures.īut, if you’re looking for a little bit of variety for your game, you might want to start changing things out.
If you’re a new Dungeon Master, you probably stick pretty close to the monster stat blocks in the Monster Manual and other sourcebooks.