Grasp the Wind Waker, a magical baton with the power to control the wind, and embark on an unforgettable adventure. Together they sail the Great Sea on a crucial quest to save the world from darkness.
As he’s about to rescue his beloved Aryll, Link is cast into the sea where he encounters the King of Red Lions, a wise boat who speaks of the legendary pearls of the goddesses. When Link’s sister is kidnapped and taken to the Forsaken Fortress, he sets off in pursuit – accompanied by pirate Tetra and her crew. On a small island in the Great Sea, a young boy awakens on his birthday with no idea of the adventure that awaits him. Experience a classic The Legend of Zelda title fully remastered with stunning 1080p graphics, brand new Miiverse features and many more enhancements.
Set sail for a vast adventure in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, exclusively on Wii U.
Title: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild